It all started with a few borrowed cattle, a strong willed little girl, and lots of tough lessons. Bull & Barrel Longhorns has come a long way in a short period of time. Why the name "Bull & Barrel"? With cattle, using "Bull" was a no-brainer, but we also have a pretty handsome collection of some of the world's finest bourbon right here on the property. Combining the two just seemed the perfect fit for our family.
At Bull & Barrel Longhorns, we put the emphasis on quality. Our cattle are the result of some of the top pedigrees in the industry and we constantly strive for improvement with every breeding. We look for a total package animal, meaning strong conformation, full body, flashy color, solid horn production, and great producing females. Most of the work on our place is done by a young teen aged girl. She's tough and determined, but this also means that we can't be saddled with "crazies". It is common knowledge that our animals are gentle, easy to work, and every one of them spoiled in their own way.
At Bull & Barrel, we'll show you some of the best cattle the industry has to offer and some of the best bourbon you'll find in the nation. Stop by and see for yourself.